PRERNA SEWA SANSTHAN established in 2011, is registered under Indian Registration Trust Act 1882. It is also registered in section 80G & 12A of Income Tax Act 1961 with Income Tax Department.
It is a humanitarian non-profit voluntary organization,established mainly to bring about social &qualitative changes in the lives of under privileged and desperately Homeless poor .
All Donations to PRERNA SEWA SANSTHAN are Tax exempted Under section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961 in INDIA.
Please make all donations in favor of ‘ Prerna Sewa Sansthan ’ { PAN number :- AABTP9900B } .
Please Note :
From Financial year 2021 -22, under latest Income Tax Department rules, Prerna Sewa Sansthan would be required to upload all the donation details to Income Tax website under form 10 BD and generate a certificate as per form 10BE.
Prerna Sewa Sansthan would generate this certificate periodically and email to donors.